Our previous champions from past tournaments can be found here. If you would like to view the more in-depth results and points of all players, you can click on the link for the tournament attached in the section. To date, Chess Buddies Canada has hosted ten tournaments, all of which have been great turnouts!
March 13th

On March 13th, Chess Buddies Canada hosted the first-ever club tournament. This was a 15|5 4 round Rapid Swiss Tournament featuring 34 players!
In first place, with a perfect 4 points, was HowardSternOfficial!
In second place, also with with a perfect 4 points, was AndreasHJD!
In third place, with 3 points, was DMGame!
To view the full results and to see the games, click on the link attached here: https://lichess.org/swiss/nxOlZFsN
April 2nd

On April 2nd, Chess Buddies Canada hosted an Easter Blitz Swiss Tournament. 33 players had participated, with a total of 85 games played. The top three players are listed below:
In first place, with an undefeated score of 7 points, was Daley Merrigan.
In second place, with a score of 5.5 points, was Mito19.
In third place, with a score of 5 points, was Ryne King.
To see the full results and scores of other players, you can click on the link here: https://lichess.org/swiss/UDMe1WV7.
April 17th

On April 17th, Chess Buddies Canada hosted the Monthly Rapid Tournament. A record-breaking 42 players had participated! The top three players are listed below:
In first place, with 4.5 points, was Howard Stern (HowardSternOfficial)!
In second place, also with 4.5 points, was Peter Noftall (PeterNoft)!
In third place, with 4 points, was Doy Margimen (Kuy4D0y)!
To see the full results and scores, click on the link here: https://lichess.org/swiss/Q9ERffa7
May 1st

On May 1st, 2021, Chess Buddies Canada hosted the inaugural Simul Event! 11 players had participated, making it a successful Simul. Winners were given a Gold/First Place Trophy, players who drew were given a Silver/Second Place Trophy, and players who lost were given a Bronze/Third Place Trophy.
There was one winner: Cdowneynlesd4583!
There was one draw: Kevlu8
Nine players were defeated by Daley.
To view the games, click on the link here: https://lichess.org/simul/52jMPXJ8
May 15th

On May 15th, Chess Buddies Canada hosted the Monthly Blitz tournament! 24 players participated.
In first place, with 6.5 points, was Bkdlrb!
In second place, with 6 points, was TwanNL!
In third place, with 5 points, was BodaciousBishop2006!
To see the full results and to view the games, click on the link here: https://lichess.org/swiss/oRquSZBL
May 29th

On May 29, Chess Buddies Canada hosted the Monthly Rapid Tournament! 26 players participated!
In first place, with a perfect 5 points, was Bkdlrb!
In second place, with 4 points, was Cubisfan!
In third place, also with 4 points, was KingCharis!
To see the full results and to view the games, click on the link here: https://lichess.org/swiss/Zt697R87
June 5th

On June 5th, Chess Buddies Canada hosted the first ever Bullet Arena! 16 players participated in the 45 minute long arena!
In first place, with 54 points, was MrGoon!
In second place, with 37 points, was Leskov_Andreii!
In third place, with 32 points, was Mainlander!
To see the full results and to view the games, click on the link here: https://lichess.org/tournament/4Vrgq3HG
July 17th

On July 17th, Chess Buddies Canada hosted the Summer Blitz Tournament. 15 players participated in the 7 round 5|0 event.
In first place, with 6 points, was YourImaginaryFriend!
In second place, with 5.5 points, was yhemmy!
In third place, with 4.5 points, was hentaiisanart!
To see the full results and to view the games, click on the link here: https://lichess.org/swiss/KMtuiI3a
July 31st

On July 31st, Chess Buddies Canada hosted the Summer Rapid Tournament. 7 players participated in the event.
In first place, with a perfect 5 points, was Caribou-Old-Guy!
In second place, with 4 points, was Samwell314!
In third place, with 3 points, was Ashutosh_nigdikar!
To see the full results and to view the games, click here!
September 26th

On September 26th, Chess Buddies Canada hosted the September monthly classical tournament. This was a four round 11 players participated in the event.
In first place, with a perfect 4 points, was Ashutosh_Nigdikar!
In second place, with 3 points, was OlafNazarenus!
In third place, with 2.5 points, was CordialChessPlayer!
Last updated: October 24th, 2021.